


The bookmark emoji 📑 represents a folded corner of a page, symbolizing a physical bookmark used in books or other printed materials. It indicates the act of saving or marking a specific location for later reference or easy retrieval. Commonly used to represent keeping track of important information or organizing digital content, the bookmark emoji has become widely recognized in various contexts.

The bookmark emoji was approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and has since been adopted by most major platforms. Its design typically features a yellow rectangular paper with a triangular folding at the top-right corner, reminiscent of an actual bookmark. Its appearance may slightly vary across different platforms, depending on the operating system or applications.

Did you know?

Did you know that the bookmark emoji can be used metaphorically? Beyond its literal meaning of marking pages in a book, it can also symbolize remembering cherished memories or pivotal moments in one's life. Its usage extends to online platforms, where it represents saving or favoriting content, such as web pages, images, or videos, for future reference. So, next time you see or use the bookmark emoji, consider its versatility and how it can capture both offline and online bookmarking experiences.