
Open book


The "open book" emoji 📖 depicts a traditional hardcover book with its pages displayed, signifying the act of reading or gaining knowledge. It is commonly used to represent various themes related to education, learning, literature, and intellectual pursuits. The open book emoji is a visual symbol that conveys the idea of exploration, curiosity, and the desire to acquire new information.

Created in 2010 as part of the Unicode 6.0 standard, the open book emoji has quickly become one of the most recognizable and widely used symbols in digital communication. Whether expressing the joy of a great novel, sharing reading recommendations, or indicating the presence of a library or bookstore, this charming emoji serves as a visual shorthand for all things literary.

Did you know?

Did you know that the open book emoji is often used metaphorically to connote an open mind or to symbolize the value of knowledge in various contexts? Additionally, it can also be used to signify open-endedness or unfinished business, such as an open book of possibilities. So, next time you want to share your love for reading or emphasize the importance of continuous learning, consider using the open book emoji to convey your message.