
Writing hand


The "writing hand" emoji, 🖐️, depicts a single hand with a pen or pencil and is widely used to symbolize writing, specifically handwritten documents or notes. It serves as a visual representation of the act of writing and can be associated with various contexts, including education, communication, and creativity. This emoji is commonly used to indicate the act of taking notes, signing documents, or emphasizing written information.

The "writing hand" emoji was added to the Unicode Standard in 2010 under the name "writing hand" and was approved as part of Unicode 6.0. Its creation was inspired by the need to convey handwritten messages when communicating digitally. This emoji gained popularity due to its versatile nature, allowing users to express the act of writing or anything associated with it in a concise and visually expressive manner.

Did you know?

Did you know that the "writing hand" emoji is often used to symbolize power and authority? It can be employed to convey a sense of importance or urgency when signing documents or leaving a handwritten note. Additionally, this emoji is commonly used to represent various activities related to communication, education, and art, such as writing essays, taking lecture notes, or expressing one's creative ideas through writing. Whether it's through a text message, social media caption, or email, the "writing hand" emoji offers a handy way to signify the act of putting words to paper.