


The "zombie" emoji depicts an animated undead creature with green skin, empty eyes, and outstretched arms. It is commonly used to signify horror, fear, Halloween, or just to add a playful, spooky touch to a message or social media post. The emoji's meaning can vary depending on the context, from representing zombies in pop culture, movies, or video games to expressing a feeling of being tired or sleep-deprived.

The "zombie" emoji was added to the Unicode Standard in 2017 as part of Unicode 10.0. It was designed to complement the growing collection of Halloween-related emojis and tap into the popular fascination with zombies in media and entertainment. The zombie emoji was created to cater to the ever-expanding range of visual communication needs and expressions in our digital era.

Did you know?

Did you know that zombies have deep roots in folklore and mythology, often associated with Haitian voodoo practices? In Haitian culture, a "zombi" is a reanimated corpse brought under the control of a sorcerer, typically used as a slave. The concept of zombies has since been popularized and evolved in various ways through books, movies, and other forms of media. The "zombie" emoji captures a lighthearted and cartoonish interpretation of these undead beings, preserving the theme of zombie fascination while maintaining a playful and approachable tone.